
It is 15 years ago that I came to Berkeley, my first time in America and my first conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. I presented my workshop „Creative multilingual dreamwork“ then and discovered: this is my tribe! Since then I am deeply connected with dreamers around the world, an ongoing sharing and learning process.
This year, I am looking forward to share my passion for „Collage Dream Writing“ in June in Scottsdale/ Arizona, at the 35th conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams with my dreamer fellows in an Collage Dream Writing Workshop.

And even more exciting: I have the honor to be third presenter in a Dreamwork Symposium with the title „Dream Art: Creating Wholeness“ with three dream artists who share their art, their learnings on their creative journeys through their life and their insights on the creativity of aging: JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez, Dorothy Nissen & Rita Hildebrandt.


Autorin: Johanna Vedral
Grafik: Laura Atkinson




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