54 Got it 4 3 15

I had planned to land softly, to touch down after two weeks of immense learning in my trip to Anaheim, San Clemente and Santa Fe… the salutary IASD conference, the dreamers` community, and transforming encounters with friends and my spiritual kinship… And I experienced very different cities and landscapes, cultures, fine art, and people. I had extraordinary dreams every night and doing a lot of collages and dreamwork…

I was looking forward to browse through my travel photos, like in a visual journal, to browse through my IASD conference program and all the interesting websites of IASD dreamers… And I was looking forward to harvest the writing in the two journal books, typing the handwriting, reading all the wonderful dream books I bought… This would be my best landing ever, I was sure.

But this is not a soft landing. It is day 5 without my baggage, not knowing WHEN or IF I will ever see my two suitcases full with all the exciting dream stuff!!! And my jetlag pesters me, goodness gracious me!

Is this a typical jetlag nightmare?

Or am I still on this learning curve, this learning flow I enjoyed so much on this trip?

What`s the name of the game? Is this the next level?

Autorin: Johanna Vedral
Collage: Johanna Vedral

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