Join me at the workshop „Collage goes university: Collage as a tool for creative thinking & writing“ May 29th, 15:00 – 16:30

Art-history books will tell you that sometime around 1912, Picasso invented collage: he took up a technique that had been quietly practised in domestic spheres by female amateurs, and applied it in his own work. But women invented collage long before Picasso & Co. Denied the opportunity to paint or sculpt, British ladies like Mary Delaney, Mary Watson and Kate Gough started creating collages with scissors and glue. Before Picasso, collage was dismissed as an artform, considered just handicraft work by women.

By the time Picasso & cubists like Hannah Höch took up scissors to toy with cut-outs, collage developped to mainstream art. Cheap, fast, easy to construct and endlessly recyclable, collage became a dominant aesthetic in the 20th century.

Predominantly women developped collage as a tool for Expressive Arts, collage therapy (Charlotte Kollmorgen), spiritual councelling (Seena Frost), creative writing (Clare Johnson), creative dream play (Sheila Asato, Victoria Rabinowe, Rita Hildebrandt), and arts-based research (Lynn Butler-Kisber). Johanna Vedral compiled a variety of collage approaches (Collage Dream Writing) and teaches collage as a tool for creative writing, dream work, and arts-based research.

In this workshop we will experience the brain`s default network at its most playful by exploring the collage technique as a a tool for meta-cognition, creative thinking & writing. Starting from teaching examples, we will discuss how to implement collage in teaching, academic writing, and scholarly research. Surprise yourself in a creative encounter!

Johanna Vedral (Vienna), psychologist, university lecturer & writer. Her research interests are creative dream play with collage & writing, metacognition, autoethnography, memoir, journal writing, autobiographical writing at university, and collage as an arts-based research tool.


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